This article is an excerpt from my master’s thesis, focusing on the relationship between the Spanish writer Carmen de Burgos (1867-1932) and Italy through an analysis of her literary production. Specifically, the article highlights the writer’s extraordinary interest in Leopardi and her significant role in promoting Italian culture in Spain through the composition of works inspired by this author.…
Tag: Novecento
Pío Baroja, L’ignoto

Primi passi nella traduzione: un esperimento collettivo Marito e moglie presero posto nel vagone; lui, dopo aver sistemato i bagagli,…
Il romanzo storico di José Saramago: storia, memoria e finzione nel Memorial do convento
Memorial do convento, an interesting historical novel by José Saramago, was published in Portugal in 1982. The year 2022 marks the fortieth anniversary of its publication, as well as the centenary of the birth of its author. In this novel the reader is faced with unexpected, fantastic and marvellous situations. The second volume of what we can call Saramago’s “historical cycle”, following Levantado do Chão, Memorial do convento partially recovers the themes and style of the previous work, developing and expanding them.…