Inerba, n. 1, 2020-2021

Coordinamento editoriale a cura di Francesca Zuccaro


«A Deo sed per populum»: la duplice elezione di Goffredo nella Gerusalemme liberata

di Antonio Borrelli

This article analyzes the peculiar dynamics of Goffredo di Buglione’s double election as captain of the Christian army in Torquato Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata: the first election is made by God, while the second is carried out by his fellow commanders of the army. The aim of the article is to show the connections between Goffredo’s double election and the important political theory summed up in the expression «a Deo sed per populum», which is ascribed to Saint Thomas of Aquin and is relevant to all political philosophy.

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«Leve cum levibus meschientur vanaque vanis». Aspetti del racconto nel Baldus di Teofilo Folengo

di Giuseppe Guarracino

The aim of this paper is to explore the narrative organization of the fourth section of Baldus by Teofilo Folengo. The paper deals with the construction of a new diegetic order and its relationship with the different genres imitated by the poet. First of all, a review shows that this narrative organization is strongly related to the new setting of the poem: a forest where the characters disembark after a shipwreck. Secondly, a textual analysis shows that Folengo blends topoi of three different genres: chivalric romances, latin epic and hagiography. Finally, these narrative models are discussed in relation to the fifth (and last) section of the poem.

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Lo scrittoio di un commentatore tardoantico: gli scholia pseudoasconiana a Cicerone Verr. II, 1

di Valentina Preterossi

In 1416 the humanist Poggio Bracciolini brought to light a series of glosses to Cicero’s Verrinae attributed to the 1st century author Asconius Pedianus. During the 19th century modern scholars proved that these rhetorical and grammatical annotations were written by an anonymous late-antique commentator, probably a 5th century grammaticus who worked from an interpolated and textually flawed copy of Cicero’s works. This fact is demonstrated by a series of textual critical annotations where the commentator seems to mention variant readings of the transmitted text.

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Voci di migranti tra narratività e oralità: un’esperienza sensibile nel romanzo Patricia di Geneviève Damas

di Adriana Bongiorno

This paper is a condensed adaptation of my master’s thesis, which focuses on the study of the novel Patricia by Belgian writer Geneviève Damas. More precisely, the research presented here mainly pivots on the Italian translation of Damas’s novel. First of all, I approach this literary work as a tool through which the author meant to raise awareness on the plight of unwanted migrants, who are deemed to pose a threat to the stability of western societies. Secondly, I ponder how to deal with the peculiarities of Damas’s text from both a linguistic and cultural point of view, so as to identify the best strategies through which the original message is conveyed in the Italian translation.

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Identikit di un dittatore atipico e della sua dittatura

di Ilaria Agonigi

This paper brings together some chapters of my master’s thesis, which also included an Italian translation of José Gil’s essay Salazar: a Retórica da Invisibilidade. While drawing on Gil’s essay’s topics as a suitable starting point, I proceed to show Salazar’s unconventional way of dealing with the masses. After a short introduction to the dictator’s political and intellectual background, my contribution highlights two of his ways to gain consensus: the escrito-lido technique and the nearly total lack of what classical rhetoric commonly refers to as actio.

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Adamastor, fra Mozambico e Sudafrica: due rivisitazioni del mito secondo Luís Carlos Patraquim e Roy Campbell

di Giada Alberti

This paper analyzes two different rewritings of the myth of Adamastor, one of the most well-known and iconic characters of Os Lusíadas. A hideous giant and rejected lover, this figure has gone through a variety of reinterpretations, particularly in Mozambican and South African literature. In relation to these two contexts, a couple of poems are taken into consideration here, namely Luís Carlos Patraquim’s Metamorfose (1980) and Roy Campbell’s Rounding the Cape (1930). The analysis of the poems is preceded by an introduction which both delves into the role of Adamastor in Os Lusíadas and offers a brief overview of the noteworthy critical reception connected with such a character.

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La tematica del naufragio in Luís Vaz De Camões

di Matteo Barbieri

This article investigates the shipwreck theme in relation to Portugal’s greatest epic poet, Luís Vaz de Camões. In particular, the contribution aims at analyzing how, on the one hand, the theme is linked to the biography of the author of The Lusíadas, and how, on the other hand, the subject is connected to a specific genre that was popular in Portuguese literature at his time: the so-called relatos de naufragios, which was a heavily codified genre narrating shipwrecks and maritime disasters. The article examines how such a correlation works.

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“Que mi nombre no se borre de la historia.” Mujeres y Franquismo

di Giulia Gori

It would seem that the international interest on Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, in particular its repression of women, is only recently taking shape. In December 2008, a conference was organized in Madrid to bring to light the complexity of the phenomenon. At the same time, it is interesting to note the extreme difficulty of accessing the many records written by all those women who suffered the unfair restrictions imposed by the government. From the extracts, it is possible to grasp the terrible hygienic conditions of the overcrowded female prisons, the starvation the women suffered, their fight against the “power”, and the physical and psychological abuses perpetrated by Caudillo’s officers in the police stations, in the houses and in the streets. The reasons for the abuses against women were not only political (all those women were communists, republicans and anarchists), but also gender-related: they were persecuted for the only fact of being women.

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Dall’esilio a Sombras de sueño: significato e rappresentazione dell’isola in Miguel de Unamuno

di Sofia Menichetti

This article focuses on Unamuno’s experience in the Canary Islands, from his stay in Las Palmas to his exile in Fuerteventura. These were crucial moments both for his life and for the production of his work Sombras de sueños. Starting from the letters the author wrote during his stay in the Canaries, the article deals with the spiritual bond that Unamuno established with the islands, which he saw as a different reality, far from the world and with a sense of isolation inherent in it.

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