Inerba, n. 4, 2023-2024

Coordinamento editoriale a cura di Leonardo Zeppi


I legami sotterranei

di Matilde Piu

The aim of this essay is to analyze La cognizione del dolore by Carlo Emilio Gadda with a focus on the relationship between the main events and an episode concerning a particular character, Gaetano Palumbo. It will be shown how these links appear to be of three different classes and how the interpolation of Gaetano Palumbo’s story is functional to Gadda’s argumentative approach. Therefore, this analysis will also throw light on Gadda’s exemplary “fragmented” style.

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I Frammenti lirici di Clemente Rebora: dalla crisi al realismo cosmico

di Costanza De Luca

This article intends to analyze the first poetic collection of Clemente Rebora, Frammenti lirici, published in 1913 and testifying to the inner torment of his youth and of his search for the Absolute. In the wake of the crisis concerning his relationship with the world and pivoting on the city-nature contrast, Rebora would increasingly cultivate a desire for an immersion in reality: following the example of nature, he opened up to the harmony of the cosmos and focused on the 1910s, to which the poem is dedicated.

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In omaggio al centenario della nascita di Mário Cesariny: la traduzione di Louvor e Simplificação de Álvaro de Campos

di Alessia De Crea

This article provides a translation of Louvor e Simplificação de Álvaro de Campos (1953) by Mário Cesariny, which was carried out by the students of the Portuguese-Italian Translation Workshop 2022-23 on the occasion of the centenary of the poet's birth. The text, a parodic reworking of verses that Cesariny produced under the Pessoan heteronym “Álvaro de Campos”, aims to challenge and, at the same time, pay homage to the “Pessoa myth”.

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«Vent’anni di idiomi e di oceani diversi»: l’America nell’opera poetica di Cesare Pavese

di Claudia Lunghini

This article aims at analysing the role of American poetry in Cesare Pavese’s poetic activity. The first part of this study focuses on the influence of Edgar Lee Masters’s Spoon River Anthology and Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass on Cesare Pavese’s poetry collection Lavorare Stanca. The second section provides an analysis of some examples of Pavese’s poetic translations from Lee Masters and Whitman.

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«Sorvegliare e punire» i corpi nel convento delle Micaelas

di Paola Porpora

The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed analysis of the chapters related to the Micaelas convent in Benito Pérez Galdós’ novel, Fortunata y Jacinta: dos historias de casadas (1887). By drowing on Michel Foucault's concepts from his essay Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison (1975), the article aims to explain how the tools, techniques, and management of bodies introduced in the convent exemplify a disciplinary and panoptic system.

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L’Irlanda al femminile

di Caterina Fontani

This article provides an introduction to Irish writer Éilis Ní Dhuibhne. It focuses on her importance as a representative of Irish Literature written in English. Moreover, it includes an interview with the author during which we have addressed topics such as her personal literary evolution, the importance of women’s contribution, and writing in Gaelic and Hiberno English. Lastly, I present here an as yet unpublished translation of her short story Midwife to the Fairies (2003), constituting an excerpt from my master’s thesis.

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Das Rollenspiel als didaktisches Mittel in der Vermittlung des Deutschen als Zielsprache

di Rita Mandriani

This article addresses the question of how a systematic survey of grammar teaching in a foreign-language classroom, as regards especially the teaching of German as a foreign language, can be linked to concrete language practice in the communicative field. In connection with the topic, this paper aims to explore the potential of role playing as a means of consolidating grammar. Due to its versatility, role play can take on different meanings and be used in different areas. Here, it is seen in terms of an interaction based on an increasingly improvised dialogue. Our aim is to highlight the didactic potential of role playing as a mode of interaction among students and, at the same time, of familiarizing with the grammatical structures of German. The first part presents two didactic approaches from over the past centuries, which used dialogue as a central tool in foreign language teaching. We will see how both Georg von Nürnberg's and Berlitz's approaches invited students to reproduce the dialogues they had learned. For these reasons, the two approaches are cited here as precursors of educational role playing as we understand it today. The second part of the article will deal with its various fields of application, namely Psychology, Pedagogy and Ludology. The main focus of exploration pivots on the use of role play in the field of foreign language teaching.

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Carmen de Burgos: «A la mayor honra y gloria de Giacomo Leopardi»

di Alessia Sorrenti

This article is an excerpt from my master’s thesis, focusing on the relationship between the Spanish writer Carmen de Burgos (1867-1932) and Italy through an analysis of her literary production. Specifically, the article highlights the writer’s extraordinary interest in Leopardi and her significant role in promoting Italian culture in Spain through the composition of works inspired by this author.

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La dialettica del tempo nello Zauberberg di Thomas Mann

di Isabella Vasen

Acknowledging the significant role of scientific innovations in shaping the early twentieth-century European cultural landscape, this study investigates the literature-science dialectic, with a particular emphasis on the impact Einstein’s theory of relativity had on Mann’s novel Der Zauberberg. While Mann may not have fully embraced Einstein’s ideas, they undeniably influenced the novel’s exploration of time, which emerges as a central theme, in a dynamic interplay of historical and pure time. However, differently from the German physicist, who seeks to describe natural laws through objective facts, the conceptual experiment shaped by Mann unveils the subjectivity of space and time experience.

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