An Interview with Nickolas Butler on The Hearts of Men (2017)
di Alessandra Bennici
In The Hearts of Men (2017), his multigenerational and controversial Bildungsroman, Nickolas Butler devastatingly peels back the layers of the American educational system by using the scout honor code, attempting to stick to its rules in a world where violators appear to hold sway. This 2020 interview with the author, which is presented here for the first time to an Italian public, seeks to dig into the novel’s key insights grounded in the scout oath and law. It also aims to provide an inside perspective on issues ranging from the differences between scout law and a predominant militaristic worship to a core of morality which Butler’s text variously interrogates, eventually looking towards a quest for forgiveness. Butler seems thus to describe an unavoidable downfall that is also a premise for catharsis, for a healing of the wounds of an America that finds it hard not to repeat the same old faults.
Parole chiave: religion and morality, America, militarism, Nickolas Butler, scouting
Leggi l'articoloTradurre la circolarità: la ripetizione come strumento didattico-analitico in Radiografía de la pampa di Ezequiel Martínez Estrada
di Carla Deidda
This paper is an excerpt from my Master’s thesis, which included an analysis of Ezequiel Martínez Estrada’s Radiografía de la pampa, a translation into Italian of its first part and a translation commentary. After a short introduction to the author and his essayistic work, with a few considerations on the reasons that led him to distance himself from poetry and publish Radiografía, the paper focuses on the translation process and on the importance of preserving in the target text one of the most striking features of Martínez Estrada’s literary style, that is to say, repetition.
Parole chiave: Radiografía de la pampa, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Hispanic-American essay, translation, repetition
Leggi l'articoloAnna Achmatova e T. S. Eliot: chiamarsi ed inseguirsi fino alla fusione
di Francesca Zuccaro
This work is a revised excerpt from my Bachelor’s thesis, in which I focused on Anna Akhmatova’s reception in the UK and, as a second step, on the impact of English Literature on Akhmatova’s poetry. In this article I have decided to investigate the parallelisms and similarities between Akhmatova’s Poem without a Hero and T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and Four Quartets. What I try to show is that the poem by Akhmatova shares important and crucial features with Eliot’s landmark works. In order to strengthen my argumentation, I take into consideration a number of relevant critical studies on these aspects.
Parole chiave: Russian literature, English literature, Modernism, Intertextuality, Poetry
Leggi l'articoloAzorín e le sperimentazioni surrealiste degli Anni Venti traducendo il racconto inedito Gestación
di Giacomo Lemmetti
In recent years, Italian readers have rediscovered the love for short stories on a national as well as international level. This has led to a considerable increase in translations pertaining to the genre, even if there are great Spanish authors who continue to receive very little attention. This is the case with Azorín’s tales, and that is why I have decided to provide an Italian version of Gestación. In this way, one can hope to incentivize not only a proper assessment of Azorín’s short fiction, but also the investigation of his dialogue with Surrealism throughout the 1920s.
Parole chiave: short story, Gestación, Surrealism, translation, Azorín
Leggi l'articoloVestito di blu come un papavero: l’antipsichiatria in Campos de Carvalho
di Gioia Giannetti
This paper is a condensed adaptation of my Master’s thesis, which focused on the study of the novel A lua vem da Ásia by the Brazilian writer Walter Campos de Carvalho, so as to suitably introduce this author and his work within the Italian literary scenario. More precisely, the research presented here mainly pivots on the ‘anti-psychiatric movement’ theme. In addition to this, I have translated four key chapters from the book into Italian, which can help to throw light on the peculiarities of the author’s style.
Parole chiave: Campos de Carvalho, A lua vem da Ásia, loucura, surrealismo, Antonin Artaud
Leggi l'articoloBotanica e orticoltura per le donne vittoriane: Jane Loudon e il suo Instructions in Gardening for Ladies (1840)
di Giulia Franceschi
This article is a revised excerpt from my Master’s thesis and focuses on Jane Loudon, a Victorian writer and cultural mediator who published several educational books on the topics of gardening and botany in the 1840s. Her works were mostly aimed at middle-class women who did not have the opportunity to study natural sciences at school and who were usually deterred from physically dealing with gardening practices. Within Loudon’s production, Instructions in Gardening for Ladies (1840) is especially worth mentioning, since it both provided technical information and morally encouraged women to look after their gardens in a creative and responsible way, thus starting to deconstruct the Victorian notion of feminine ‘delicacy’ and the gender assumptions linked to the separate spheres ideology.
Parole chiave: Jane Loudon, Victorian culture, women, gardening, botany
Leggi l'articoloPost-esotismo e traduzione militante. Il caso di Les aigles puent di Lutz Bassmann
di Linda Cibati
This article is an excerpt from my Master’s thesis entitled Il post-esotismo di Antoine Volodine: una letteratura per sovvertire il mondo. Proposta di traduzione di “Les aigles puent” di Lutz Bassmann. Here, post-exoticism is cast as an alternative to the substantially binary categories we have been accustomed to. Across surreal scenarios and apocalyptic settings, post-exotic authors can be said to call their readers (and translators) into action, asking them to face reality by considering it as a whole and as an extremely varied mosaic at the same time.
Parole chiave: traduttori post-esotici, humor del disastro, letteratura à contraintes, scrittura collettiva, militanza letteraria
Leggi l'articoloLa invención de Morel e Dormir al sol: l’automa e il simulacro in Adolfo Bioy Casares
di Rachele Bellini
This article intends to investigate the representation of simulacra and automatons in Argentinian writer Adolfo Bioy Casares’s narrative. A short commentary on this phenomenology and its connections with Bioy Casares’s favourite topics – such as science, technology, and simulacra themselves – is supplemented by an analysis of two female automatons that populate a couple of his novels: La invención de Morel (1940) and Dormir al sol (1973).
Parole chiave: Adolfo Bioy Casares, simulacro, automa, letteratura fantastica
Leggi l'articoloLa Vara di Messina e gli autos sacramentales, punto di unione tra Sicilia e Spagna
di Lucia Mancuso
This article explores the connections between the Spanish autos sacramentales of the seventeenth century and the Vara di Messina, a triumphal chariot which is still used nowadays during the namesake procession held in the Sicilian city and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the course of my study, quite a large number of similarities has emerged. This paper also analyzes the history of the ‘Vara’, in particular its name and how it came into being, and highlights further links with Spanish culture and language.
Parole chiave: Comparazione, autos sacramentales, Vara, Spagna, Sicilia
Leggi l'articoloDie Textsorte »Lexikonartikel« im Übergang von der traditionell-gedruckten zur online-Form: ein Vergleich nach textlinguistischen Kriterien
di Monia Lunardi
The aim of this paper is to explore the differences and similarities between print and online encyclopedias. More specifically, some linguistic aspects of two encyclopedias, the German Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (a printed source) and Wikipedia, will be analyzed and compared. In the last section of this study, some critical issues will also be taken into consideration.
Parole chiave: Lexikonartikel, Lemma, Links, Autorschaft, Brockhaus, Wikipedia, Vergleich, Enzyklopädie, online, gedruckt, Text
Leggi l'articoloLe rime amorose dell’Etrusco. Una riflessione sul manoscritto inedito V.C. 183
di Valeria Orsini
This article is a condensed adaptation of my Master’s thesis Le rime dell'autografo Vincenzo Capponi 183 di Alfonso de' Pazzi. Edizione critica e commentata, which focuses on the analysis of an unpublished sixteenth-century manuscript by Alfonso de' Pazzi, currently preserved in the National Central Library of Florence. In particular, this paper deals with the structure and content of the book of poems allegedly assembled by the Florentine author, and it shows how his collection of love poems was inspired by the Petrarchist sentiment typical of that era.
Parole chiave: petrarchismo, Accademia Fiorentina, Alfonso de’ Pazzi, l’Etrusco
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