Lux Æterna: aggressioni allo sguardo di Gaspar Noé
di Alberto Iorio
The article analyzes the movie Lux Æterna by Gaspar Noé, trying to understand its main distinguishing traits: mainly the flicker, the split screen and an apparently chaotic narrative structure that blurs the lines between fiction and documentary. The analysis also features thoughts about the male gaze, time-related images, and experimental cinema.
Parole chiave: Lux Æterna, Gaspar Noé, cinéma du corps, New French Extremity, mockumentary, flicker, split screen
Leggi l'articoloIn ricordo di Giorgio Piccitto, lessicografo, linguista e padre della dialettologia siciliana
di Alessio Agolino
This article aims at highlighting and revealing the importance of Giorgio Piccitto, a scholar, linguist and pupil from Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, who died prematurely more than 50 years ago. The father of modern dialectology in Sicily and author of the five-volume dictionary titled Vocabolario siciliano, he is still considered as the major reference for Sicilian studies.
Parole chiave: Vocabolario Siciliano, dialettologia, lessicografia, linguistica, Giorgio Piccitto
Leggi l'articoloLa ferocia della ragione: Millennium People di J. G. Ballard
di Annalisa Biasci
This paper is a condensed version of my undergraduate dissertation, entitled La ferocia della ragione: Millennium People di J. G. Ballard. It is an analysis of the novel, which depicts a middle-class uprising in the heart of contemporary London. It discusses how the British writer, by envisioning a dystopian scenario, encourages the reader to reflect on themes such as urban violence, the triviality of consumer society, and the dangers of totally suppressing human instincts.
Parole chiave: J. G. Ballard, Millennium People, dystopia, urban violence
Leggi l'articoloPrufrock’s simultaneous archetype. Between literary and psychic function
di Edoardo Maurizio Tommasi
In this article I propose a reading of Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in the light of its intertextual relations with two works in particular: Dante’s Comedy and Homer’s Odyssey. Moreover, I take the structural positions of these references as fundamental to understand the very meaning of the poem’s voice, that is to say, Prufrock as a poetic I. Finally, from a Lacanian perspective on Prufrock’s desires, I posit the interpretation of this intertextual relation with Dante and Homer as the result of a double-faced archetype, shaped by Eliot’s idea of simultaneity which, according to his poetics, affects all literary paradigms.
Parole chiave: intertextuality, Eliot, Dante, Homer, archetypes
Leggi l'articoloIl romanzo storico di José Saramago: storia, memoria e finzione nel Memorial do convento
di Eleonora Lari
Memorial do convento, an interesting historical novel by José Saramago, was published in Portugal in 1982. The year 2022 marks the fortieth anniversary of its publication, as well as the centenary of the birth of its author. In this novel the reader is faced with unexpected, fantastic and marvellous situations. The second volume of what we can call Saramago’s "historical cycle", following Levantado do Chão, Memorial do convento partially recovers the themes and style of the previous work, developing and expanding them.
Parole chiave: Saramago, Memorial do convento, Novecento, Letteratura portoghese, romanzo storico
Leggi l'articoloTra vecchi e nuovi passati: la nuova interpretazione storica di Mia Couto in As Areias do Imperador. Introduzione alla traduzione
di Elisabetta Falcicchio
This article provides a commentary on the translation of the first chapter of Mulheres de Cinza (2015), the first volume of the trilogy As Areias do Imperador, written by Mozambican author Mia Couto. I will start by explaining the need for Mozambicans to find forms of representation within a historical narrative which seems to be modelled according to a specific political ideology. After an overview of the narratives that characterize Portuguese and Mozambican official historiography in connection with the episode of the defeat of Gungunhana, I will explain how Mia Couto’s historical novels try to fill the gaps of identity representation for contemporary Mozambicans.
Parole chiave: translation, historical novel, Mozambique, Mia Couto, Gungunhana
Leggi l'articoloLa formazione del lessico medico-farmaceutico nell’ambito dell’antico occitano con riferimenti all’area ibero-romanza
di Erminio Maraia
The study of a selection of terms relating to the pharmaceutical medical field of the ancient Occitan language allows us to describe the formation of the Provençal lexical heritage, which, more than others, is marked by heterogeneity. The oral dissemination of ancient recipes, the literary tradition of the Occitan medical school, the Latin heritage and the Catalan, Arab and Hebrew contributions constitute the foundations of the ancient Occitan medical pharmaceutical lexicon. The present work singles out the semantic relationships existing between the different names of plants and also the linguistic phenomena that underlie the formation and dissemination of this particular terminology, with specific regard to the Iberian Romance area.
Parole chiave: formazione lessicale, lessicologia, letteratura provenzale, lessici settoriali, iberistica
Leggi l'articoloOdi et amo – Gli inglesi visti dagli spagnoli fra Otto e Novecento
di Gaia Polidori
This article is an excerpt from my Master’s Thesis, which aims not only to analyze the relationship between Spain and England during the 19th and 20th centuries, but also to reconstruct the image of England from the point of view of five Spanish travellers, namely Eugenio de Ochoa (1815-1872), Emilio Alcalá-Galiano y Valencia (1831-1914), Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920), Pío Baroja (1872-1956), and Carmen de Burgos (1867-1932). After giving a general overview of the relations between the two countries, this paper focuses on a comparative analysis of the travel accounts by the authors mentioned above, trying to detect their thematic constants as well as a series of revealing observations concerning the Spanish attitude towards the British.
Parole chiave: culture, travel accounts, Spain, England, relationships
Leggi l'articoloLeichte Sprache und Standardsprache im Vergleich von Textpaaren
di Giulia Milani
This article investigates Leichte Sprache, a recent but increasingly important simplified linguistic variety of German. Complex texts, taken especially from several technical fields (such as politics, medicine, administration etc.), are conveyed by using strategies of simplification. Leichte Sprache is mainly – but not exclusively – addressed to people with reading and learning difficulties, so as to give them access to texts which, due to their complexity, would otherwise be difficult to understand. This paper underlines the social, political and cultural role of this simplified variety of German, through which an active and conscious participation of primary addressees in society is achieved. Moreover, this work explores the linguistic features that, identifiable at the lexical, syntactic and structural levels, make a Leichte-Sprache-Text recognizable and different from a Standardtext. In order to fulfil this aim, a linguistic analysis of two pairs of text-types is carried out, so as to highlight the differences between the source text in standard German and its corresponding simplified form (Übertragung). In the last section, some problematic issues of Leichte Sprache are also taken into consideration.
Parole chiave: Leichte-Sprache-Texte, Standardtexte, Leichte Sprache, sprachliche Vereinfachung, erhöhte Verständlichkeit, Inklusion, linguistische Textanalyse, Textpaare
Leggi l'articoloElemente der Fachsprache in Faust als Nationalsozialist von Alexander Kluge
di Giuseppe Rà
This article focuses on the technical language used by Alexander Kluge in one of his most important narrative fragments. As a basic premise, the article highlights the common classification of “technical languages” and then moves on to the chosen text, including a brief, fundamental overview of its author, who, more than others, grasped that intrinsic link between art and science. The focus of the article is placed on the technical terminology in Faust als Nationalsozialist as a means of textual coherence and an instrument capable of evoking and deconstructing the Faustian motif.
Parole chiave: Fachsprache, Kohärenz, Isotopieketten, Alexander Kluge, literarisches Faustmotiv
Leggi l'articoloAscesa e caduta di un eroe: Bellerophontes di Marie Luise Kaschnitz
di Margherita Braccini
This work presents an analysis of the short story Bellerophontes, from the collection Griechische Mythen by German writer Marie Luise Kaschnitz (1901-1974). The main character of the tale is the Corinthian hero Bellerophon, best known for slaying the Chimera. I compare Kaschnitz’s rewriting of the myth with ancient literary sources, specifically the Iliad (VI, 119-236), Apollodorus’s The Library (II, 3.1), and Pindar’s Olympic XIII (47-92) and Isthmian VII (43-48). The goal is to ascertain how this modern version of the story follows classical tradition on the one hand, and how it partly departs from it on the other. In Kaschnitz’s Bellerophontes the myth takes on typically modern traits, thus coming closer to the sensibility of the contemporary reader. The translation adopted here − the first Italian translation of Bellerophontes − was originally presented in my Bachelor’s Thesis.
Parole chiave: German literature, classical reception, Third Reich Literature
Leggi l'articoloDie Metapher als textkonstituierendes Element in der Presse. Eine Korpusanalyse zum Thema Klimawandel
di Valeria Bargagna
The aim of this study is to highlight and briefly analyze the essential role played by metaphors in the German press. In the introduction, emphasis is laid on what metaphors are and on the meanings that they have acquired throughout history (from the Aristotelian era up to our days). The first section provides an analysis of the different text-types in journalism on the basis of their textual functions. Moreover, two different types of articles are compared, along with the so-called “top-heavy-form” or “inverted pyramid” structure. The second section deals with the relation between the use of metaphors and the coining of new words. Subsequently, in the third section, attention is drawn to some of the most significant metaphorical expressions emerging in our corpus (consisting in ten newspaper articles from FAZ.NET, a well-known German newspaper), together with their ability to build up “isotopic chains”, which give cohesion and coherence to a text. The last section of this study is a reflection on the power of metaphors to influence readers and present a certain event from positive or negative perspectives.
Parole chiave: Isotopiekette, Meinungsbeeinflussung, Metapher, Klimawandel, Textsorte, Zeitungsnachricht, Textkonstitution, Textfunktion
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